You might already be aware that a strong brand identity can underpin your company’s success as a whole. However, you might have overlooked how influential your company’s logo can be in that. That logo’s power can be far greater than its small size suggests. Here are more reasons why your branding should not only begin with your logo but also substantially develop from it.
A great starting point for large-scale branding
Think of many of the world’s most iconic logos and how many different places you tend to see them. The Apple logo, for example, appears on that tech giant’s website, advertisements, retail stores and, of course, computers and mobile devices used around the world.
Your own logo will appear across all of your marketing materials – including business cards and stationery that you might occasionally hand out to potential clients. Therefore, you don’t want the designs on those materials to visually clash with the logo.
A logo: worth a thousand words?
Many of us are desperately short of time – and, understandably, this means that, when we see advertisements, we don’t tend to spend too much time paying attention to them. This is especially the case considering how many different companies are vying for our attention!
So, when you do put out advertisements, only a few people might read it; however, many more people will see it. When that advertisement includes, prominently displayed, a logo that effectively sums up what your company stands for, those people could quickly digest lots of information that could otherwise have escaped their notice had it appeared solely in text form.
Convey the image of a much larger company
It’s easy to envy big companies that, due to their history and experience, inspire respect from customers. However, even if your own business was set up just last month and has a single employee, the right logo can make that company look much more long-established.
Therefore, people who see that logo will associate favourable attributes, like security and gravitas, commonly espoused by big companies with your much smaller outfit, too. You can also continue delivering the kind of benefits, like case-by-case customer service, that can be within easier reach of a small company than a major one. A great example of having your cake and eating it.
At JAK Inc, we have a graphic design team who can make a memorable logo for your company. We can also design stationery, leaflets, brochures and other publicity materials that expand upon that logo for thorough, professional branding. You can learn more when you email us through, give us a call on 0191 3882 698 or visit our website.